What’s Driving Growth In The Restoration Industry?

The restoration industry has grown immensely over the past decade. Worth over $210 billion in 2021, it’s worth asking what’s driving growth in the restoration industry? There are several factors to consider, including new technologies, greater awareness of dangers, and an increase in natural disasters. If you’re looking for a growing industry to become a part of, the restoration industry is perfect for you. The simple and affordable training on top of the increasing need for restoration workers makes this field perfect for those wanting to make a strong and stable career.
New Technology
As technology grows and changes, so too do the methods of the restoration industry. There are amazing technologies that help remediation and restoration companies identify and address issues quickly and efficiently.
For example, mold is one of the most common hazards in the home and can be detrimental to your health if left untreated. Unfortunately, new energy-efficient designs in homes make mold more common than ever.
Thankfully, there are tools that those in the restoration industry use that help them quickly and effectively deal with mold in the home. These tools have helped mold remediation experts thrive as they can quickly move from one job to another while maintaining their professionalism and efficiency.
Greater Awareness
Another factor driving growth in the restoration industry is that there is greater awareness of the need for restoration experts and possible damage that can be done to homes. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, the restoration industry as a whole realized how underprepared it was to handle issues on such a large scale. While some homes were completely destroyed, others were simply impacted by water, high winds, and debris. Those homes needed restoration experts to help make the necessary repairs, and the industry couldn’t keep up.
Since 2005, the restoration industry has grown and become far more efficient at dealing with disasters and quickly helping those in need. As they’ve grown, they’ve become far more organized and ready to respond to the need.
Natural Disasters
Yet another reason why the restoration industry is booming right now is because of the increase in natural disasters. Climate.gov lists out each of the major disasters that struck in 2021, including:
- One winter storm/cold wave event (focused across the deep south and Texas);
- One wildfire event (combined impacts of wildfires across Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington);
- One drought and heatwave event (summer/fall across the western U.S.);
- Two flood events (in California and Louisiana);
- Three tornado outbreaks (including the December tornado outbreaks);
- Four tropical cyclones (Elsa, Fred, Ida, and Nicholas); and
- Eight severe weather events (across many parts of the country, including the December Midwest derecho).
This increase in disasters and harsh weather has also increased the demand for restoration workers, causing the industry to grow dramatically in a relatively short amount of time.
Easy and Affordable Training
The need for restoration workers is great, so it works out perfectly that the training to become a restoration worker is easy and affordable. Becoming a restoration contractor in Florida is as simple as signing up for some courses and meeting the necessary requirements. Most courses last 2-3 days and only cost around $200-$500.
What is the Mission of RAF?
RAF’s purpose is to protect the rights and make the voices of honest, hard-working, independent contractors heard. We advocate for professionals in the mold, fire, water, and wind damage industry. If you are interested in becoming a member of RAF or have any further questions, call us today.