What People Look for in Restoration Employees

As an independent contractor in any field, it is always important to put your best foot forward. Potential clients look for specific qualities in restoration employees. To succeed in and grow your business, it is important to know what people look for in restoration employees.

What Do People Look for in Restoration Employees?

If you want to connect with clients and make an impression, make sure you give attention to the following items.

1.   Experience and Licenses

No matter what industry you work in, customers look for businesses that they can trust. While not every state legally requires licenses for restoration work, acquiring one does speak to your knowledge and skill. Even if you don’t have years of experience, the proper certification lets customers know that you are serious enough about the industry to go through the proper training. Take the time to go through the proper channel and receive training in fire, mold, water, etc.

2.   Referrals and Recommendations

Additionally, most people look for good reviews before committing their business to an independent contractor. It’s a good idea to set up some sort of review system on your website or Google. This provides a “preview” for potential clients and lets them hear the experiences of others firsthand, rather than relying on your word alone. On the other hand, not having customer reviews available raises a red flag in many people’s minds.

3.   Continuing Education

Your initial license is important. However, equally important is continuing your education even while you work. Furthering your education in the restoration industry shows others that you are dedicated to growing your business. It allows you to learn more about the field, stay up-to-date on industry-related news, glean from experienced leadership, and build connections with fellow contractors. Additionally, in some states, continuing your education is required to keep your restoration license renewed.

4.   Concern for Customers

Showing your clients that you truly care about them and their well-being is a great way to invite their trust. Working with their schedule, developing effective COVID regulations, providing written estimates and documentation, and reaching out to them post-restoration all show the client that you value their time, health, and satisfaction. Not only does this build a long-term relationship for recurring jobs, but it also encourages your clients to recommend you to others.

5.   Intelligent Marketing

The purpose of marketing is to influence opinions and decisions. In a digital world, marketing competition is steep. People look for good marketing when choosing businesses and services, and independent contractors are no exception. Your industry knowledge is what makes you a good restoration employee, but your marketing is what catches the eye of potential clients.

6.   Industry Connections

Finally, many people look for familiar brands and services when hiring out. If they can’t use their normal service, they often look for connected companies. Even as an independent contractor, connections to others in the industry can ultimately lead people straight to your doorstep (metaphorically speaking of course). To properly network with others in the restoration industry, it is a good idea to attend seminars, conferences, meetings, etc.

What is the Mission of RAF?

RAF’s purpose is to protect the rights and make heard the voices of honest, hard-working, independent contractors. We advocate for professionals in the mold, fire, water, and wind damage industry. If you are interested in becoming a member of RAF or have any further questions, call us today.



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