Tips for Growing Your Business Online During COVID

Although this year has been tough on small business owners in many ways, it has also provided a new opportunity to market services online. With businesses, schools, meetings, etc. making a large shift toward remote communication, the world of business-to-consumer relationships looks a little different.

In order to keep up with the changes and market your business effectively online, it is important to take the proper steps. Consider our tips for growing your business online during COVID.

How to Grow Your Business Online During a Pandemic

Keep in mind that while the pandemic may have happened overnight, improvements to your marketing strategy will take time. Try not to stress about numbers in the beginning. Instead, do your best to implement the following steps to grow your business online.

1. Develop a strategy for each avenue of your digital marketing.

Each aspect of digital marketing plays a different role. After all, social media posts function differently than email campaigns, and your website looks different than your newsletter. Although each component works together to increase website traffic and produce customer interactions, each part needs its own strategy. Sit down and outline how you plan to use social media to direct potential customers to your service. How will you use graphics on your website? What should your newsletters encourage your audience to do?

Develop a broad strategy for your marketing as a whole, then narrow it down when it comes to each part. Marketing is a machine, and a good strategy is the oil that keeps it running.

2. Host virtual events, classes, meetings, etc. to push your service.

Nearly everyone is using Zoom for one reason or another these days, so why not use it to your advantage? Use conference calls to converse with clients, hold events or classes, etc. Additionally, you can use video software to create more personal “messages” for your consumer base.

3. Focus on relevancy.

Potential consumers always look for relevant content. Find where your particular services fit into the context. For instance, if you are a mold assessor or remediator, focus on respiratory health during COVID season. After all, to determine whether they are suffering from COVID symptoms or mold allergies, a homeowner must have their home tested for mold growth.

4. Try to see things from your audience’s point of view.

Remember, no matter how important your service is, increasing customer interactions all comes down to effective presentation. Take a moment to ask yourself how a customer would view your website, social media, etc. Get new eyes on your material, or simply pretend you are a brand new consumer. Through what lens is your audience viewing your content?

5. Find a way to stand out.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you must be unique from competitors. Typically, this step involves finding what sets you apart and then building your marketing strategy around this characteristic. If you provide extra services for free, use special equipment, or charge an exceptionally low price, use that information in your marketing campaigns. Additionally, don’t forget the importance of connecting with your audience. Most consumers will choose the business that they most feel values their needs, opinions, and desires.

6. Remain understanding of the consumer’s circumstances.

Marketing is all about maintaining the delicate balance between “persistent” and “pushy.” Connecting with a client typically calls for multiple interactions. However, too many forced interactions leave the client feeling like all you care about is their money. Consider their circumstances, as well as how they might view each move that you make.

7. Use your online platform for effective communication.

Communication matters in marketing! If done correctly, online advertising can be personal, fun, and effective. However, it can also be cold, distant, and impersonal. Quality (and friendly) communication is the best way to interact with people online. Emails, newsletters, etc. make it easy to tailor messages to your audience without being overly aggressive.

8.   Remember that professionalism sells…but so does realness.

Most consumers see right through a phony advertisement. Keep your online marketing professional, friendly, and caring, but most importantly, keep it real.

What is the Mission of RAF?

RAF’s purpose is to protect the rights and make heard the voices of honest, hard-working, independent contractors. We advocate for professionals in the mold, fire, water, and wind damage industry. If you are interested in becoming a member of RAF or have any further questions, call us today.



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